Thursday, November 20, 2008
News on my health
Monday, November 17, 2008
more photos
They are gorgeous birds but very destructive. Over a very short period of time, they can strip a tree bare of new growth and eventually kill it!
It was Nicholas's 13th Birthday on the 7th and he was very excited as his big sister and her husband were coming over from Sydney for the weekend. We waited up for them on friday night so that he could get his present as we had bought him one from all four of us. They eventually arrived at 10:30pm, way past my bedtime ( LOL ) and we sat Nicholas down in a chair and told him to close his eyes and hold out his hands. he sat down with his hands spread out wide and a grin on his cheeky face. He was hoping for cricket gear as he had just joined the team in town. I explained to him that as he had already had a big present from us, we bought him a basket ball hoop/stand thingie not long after we got to NSW, he was only getting a small present this time. His hands immediately shot in to meet each other infront of him, still didnt open his eyes and still with a big grin on his face. That movement just cracked us up, it was hard to continue with the gift giving. I handed a small package, it was a tiny bat and ball set meant for toddlers. he jumped up and down and was really excited! He was so funny! Anyway, we couldn't wait any longer, the suspense was killing us, and we made him hide his eyes again. gary bought in a huge parcel that we wrapped up in a picnic blanket for want of anything better, and told him to check it out, here was his real present. He pulled off the balnket and revealed a full set of...... cricket gear. We had managed to find him a bat, ball, gloves, pads and a bag to carry it all in. He was so excited, Saturday morning was their game and Rebekah and Chris were here to watch him and he had all this new stuff to play with. Off to bed, everyone exhausted!
And then..... the bad news..... spent Friday night listening to the rain falling, great for our water supply, but not so great for cricket, it was cancelled. But we did go into Orange to see "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" which was great! (although they werent showing the 3D version which was a shame).
This Saturday, Nicholas was really looking forward to finally showing off his gear and guess what.... I spent Friday night listening to the rain falling, and cricket was cancelled.... again! Hopefully, he will get to use it this Thursday arvo for practice. We did get him done up in it all though for some pics.
and then to top off our week , it was my birthday. Gary brought me a cup of tea and some cake with a candle in the middle and then sang Happy Birthday! It was lovely. I also heard from my Mum and Dad, my sisters, and got a call from my brother. We dont catch up very often so it was lovely to hear from him. One of the highlights though, was about 12 emails from all the Scrapbook sites I belong too sending me a Happy Birthday email. I also had my birthday announced on my good friend Pam's Scrapping Blog LOL
Isn't that cute!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This is where the branch was originally attached to the tree!
The pile of logs that Gary cut last, but we were too tired to collect right then :)
We still have to go back and finish cutting up what is left and bring it back to the house. The branch has given us a bit of a kick-start to next years fires LOL
A few more pics of the house. Seems like there is a lot of photos here and not much writing, but that is probably a better way of doing the Blog really LOL who wants to read a whole heap of guff from me when you could be looking at these gorgeous photos!
Here is a photo of our eldest cat, Oscar, sunning himself and having a bit of a clean on the path !
And these are some photos of some visitors we had in the yard the other day! Some cuter than others as you will see!
These sheep had been in the paddock that is our driveway, and just decided that the grass really was greener on the other side of the fence :)
This was one of a pair that came to visit one evening! They were the biggest foxes I have ever seen. This pic is not very clear, but he/she was moving really quite quickly and I just had to snap and hope for the best. Funny though, Oscar, our cat, just sat on the wheelbarrow in the middle of the garden and just watched the foxes wander around. Muffin (cat) ended up a tree and Casper (cat) was very interested, but the foxes disappeared before he could get to close.
Enough for today :) see you soon, have a great day!